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Which Books to Print? / Какие книги следует издать?
Read Какие книги следует издать? You are a book editor in a large New York City publishing company. Every day you receive at least 10 manuscripts submitted by authors who want their works published. Because of your experience, you have developed a sixth sense about interesting books and uninteresting books. By merely looking at the titles, you can usually get an indication about which books your company should publish and which ones it should not.
In the past three days, 27 manuscripts — whose titles are listed on the following page — have arrived. Make a preliminary check and see which 6 books you think will be interesting to the greatest number of people.

1. Of course you will read each manuscript completely to confirm your feelings about the book.

2. Remember, the titles you choose should be ones the majority of consumers would find interesting, since they will be the people who buy the books.

3. Rank the books in order of your preference.

4. Here are the titles (non-fiction):

Moammar Gaddafi: A Biography
The 100 Best Restaurants in the World
The Secret Diary of Albert Einstein
No More Grocery Stores! Grow Your Own Food
Down the Amazon: A Voyage of Discovery
The Complete Book of Dirty Jokes
Life after Death
A Guide to Cheap Vacation Spots in the U.S. America: Love It or Leave It!
The 1990s: A Terrible Decade for the U.S.?
How to Be Successful with Men
The Story of Philosophy
The Works of Michelangelo: An Appreciation
How to Avoid Cancer
How to Make a Million Dollars
Maradona’s Book of Soccer Tips
The Book of Dogs
The Power of the U.S. Media
Television Is Trash!
The Complete Book of Movie Stars
Abortion Is Not Murder!
President Bush’s Secret Love Affairs
The Mysterious Men Who Control the Government
America’s Only Native Religion: Mormonism
A Pictorial History of Playboy Magazine
How to Live to Be 100
Decide and Write Title 1: ______________________________
Reason: ______________________________

Title 2: ______________________________
Reason: ______________________________

Title 3: ______________________________
Reason: ______________________________

Title 4: ______________________________
Reason: ______________________________

Title 5: ______________________________
Reason: ______________________________

Title 6: ______________________________
Reason: ______________________________
Extend 1. Is reading important? Do you think that the importance of reading is increasing or decreasing?

2. What benefits does a person receive from reading books instead of magazines or newspapers?

3. Rate these book forms in your order of enjoyment (1 = most important, 10 = least important):

_____romantic books, _____historical novels, _____sports books, _____science fiction, _____detective novels, _____history books, _____general novels, _____scientific books, _____travel (adventure), _____biographies

4. Do you believe that books will exist in the year 2500? Why or why not?

5. Tell your partner / teacher about a book that you have enjoyed.
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