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Коммуникативные уроки и задания по английскому языку

Наряду с изучением грамматики и лексики, одним из главных аспектов в овладении языком является разговорная практика. В этом разделе вы можете найти разнообразные уроки, распологающие к интересному общению. Их можно использовать как в классе, так и просто с друзьями, языковыми партнерами.
Коммуникативно-ролевые - это такие уроки, в которых вы являетесь определенным персонажем, которому необходимо решить какую-либо проблемную ситуацию или ситуации. Решая данные проблемы, раз за разом повторяется необходимая активная лексика, которую бы вы использовали в реальной жизни, оказавшись на месте персонажа.
Коммуникативные уроки
Уровни: Intermediate - Advanced | Pre-Intermediate - Upper-Intermediate
Служба знакомств
Dating Service / Служба знакомств
You work for a dating service. You must match men and women together. Should the truck driver date the model? Should karate teacher date the police officer?
Преступление и наказание
Crime and Punishment / Преступление и наказание
You are members of a jury deciding the fate of six criminals. What should be the punishment for a drunk driver who runs over a child? for a man who steals bicycles for his children's Christmas presents?
Женева: новое начало
Geneva: A New Beginning / Женева: новое начало
You are organizing a meeting of world leaders. Where will you seat the countries' leaders? Which country will sit beside Israel? North Korea? Germany? What is a more important problem: AIDS or nuclear weapons?
Какую работу попробовать?
Which Job Should I Try For? / Какую работу попробовать?
You are a young immigrant to the United States who is running out of money and who doesn't speak English well. You've just gotten your Green Card, and you need a job. What's best: beign a waiter? a pizza deliveryman? joining the army?
Как бы они выглядели?
What Will They Look Like? / Как бы они выглядели?
Space beings are arriving! You're going to meet them. Prepare yourself: draw a picture of what you think they will look like, write down 8 questions you would like to ask them.
Ассоциация студентов
The Student Association / Ассоциация студентов
Your student association has no money. What musical groups, lecturers, and movies wil you bring to campus to raise money?
Лучший гражданин
The Best Citizen / Лучший гражданин
As members of the Philadelphia City Council, you must choose two recipients of the "Best Citizen" Award. Who will you choose: an elderly philanthropist? a drug-busting policewoman? a bus driver? a fireman?
Пьяные водители штата Мичиган
Michigan Drunk Drivers / Пьяные водители штата Мичиган
You are members of the Michigan legislature. You are trying to reduce the number of drunk-driving accidents. At what age should people be allowed to drive? What should be the penalty for drunk driving?
Добавим огоньку!
Let’s Add Some Pizzazz! / Добавим огоньку!
Your network needs new programs to try to win back its audience. What programs will attract the most viewers: nighttime soap operas? dramas? a cooking show? art?
Планируя построить дом
Planning a House / Планируя построить дом
Your job is to design a fabulous new house for a wealthy client. Where will you put the swimming pool? six bedrooms? three fireplaces? tennis court?
Which Programs Will Get the Money? / Соцпрограммы
Which programs in the State of California do you think should receive state funding - and how much? a senior citizens's center? a pay raise for the legislature? jobs for unemployed teenagers? more police cars?
Развод! Кто что получает?
Divorce! Who Gets What? / Развод! Кто что получает?
You are members of a family court. A couple is getting divorced, and you must decide who gets what. Who receives custody of the children? Who receives alimony? What about the BMW and the hot tub?
Открывая новый ресторан
Opening a New Restaurant / Открывая новый ресторан
Your town is badly in need of a new restaurant, and you have decided to open an "international" one. What will you name it? What will you put on the menu?
Решая проблемы
Solving Problems / Решая проблемы
You are middle-aged political refugees now living in the United States. At first, life was wonderful, but now you have many problems. What can you do about an expired visa? terrible landlord? health insurance? homesickness?
Руководство путешественника
A Traveler's Guide / Руководство путешественника
You work for a travel book company. You have been asked to write a guide to English for foreign visitors to the United States. What are the most important vocabulary items? What are the most important sentences and questions to be able to use?
Что мы предпримем?
What Action Do We Take? / Что мы предпримем?
The PLA has taken control of the Statue of Liberty demanding $5,000,000,000 and the release of prisoners or they will explode a nuclear bomb in New York City. What will you do?
Лучший учитель
The Best Teacher? / Лучший учитель
You must hire an elementary school teacher for a school in Flagstaff, Arizona. What do you value the most: creativity? degree? experience? beliefs?
Что будет, если?
What Will Happen If? / Что будет, если?
How would the world be changed if TV was prohibited and drugs were legalized? What if scientists proved the existence of God? if computers replaced teachers?
Как изменить мир?
How Do We Change the World? / Как изменить мир?
The year is 2075. The Fifth World War has just ended. You must change the system of world politics. What will be the new capital of the world? What economic system will you choose? what flag? what language?
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